The function below returns the powerset of a set (list).
let rec powerset = function
| [] -> [[]]
| x::xs -> List.collect (fun sub -> [sub; x::sub]) (powerset xs)
I don't understand why exactly it works. I understand recursion. I also understand how List.collect works. I know that recursion will continue until an instance of powerset returns [[]]. However, I try to trace the returned values after that point and I never obtain the complete power set.
The algorithm for calculating power set goes like this:
Let's call the original set (aka "input") A
. And let's pick out an item from that set, call it x
. Now, powerset of A
(call it P(A)
) is a set of all subsets of A
. We can think of all subsets of A
as consisting of two groups: subsets that include x
and those that don't include x
. It's easy to see that subsets that don't include x
are all possible subsets of A - x
with x
all subsets of A that don't include x = P(A-x)
How do we get all subsets of A
that do include x
? By taking all those that don't include x
and sticking x
into each one!
all subsets of A that include x = { for each S in P(A-x) : S+x }
Now we just need to combine the two, and we get ourselves P(A)
P(A) = P(A-x) + { for each S in P(A-x) : S+x }
This is what the last line in your code example does: it calculates P(A-x)
by calling powerset xs
, and then for each of those subsets, sticks an x
onto it, and also includes the subset itself.