I have a web part that handles an OAuth callback request.
After getting access tokens and the user's id from the API, I want to store it in the session state. But when reading the session on subsequent requests, I only see a value for the "Suave.Auth" key.
Here is my web part for the OAuth callback:
path "/oauth" >=> context (fun ctx ->
let req = ctx.request
match (req.queryParam "code", req.queryParam "error") with
| Choice1Of2 code, _ ->
let id = completeOAuth code
Authentication.authenticated Session false
>=> Writers.setUserData "user-id" id
>=> Redirection.redirect "/view"
| _, Choice1Of2 error -> RequestErrors.UNAUTHORIZED error)
How can I make sure the "user-id" value is in the session on other requests after this one?
stores data in a map that only exists for the duration of the request.
To store data across requests you need to use statefulForSession
like this.
let app =
statefulForSession >=> context (fun x ->
match HttpContext.state x with
| None ->
// restarted server without keeping the key; set key manually?
let msg = "Server Key, Cookie Serialiser reset, or Cookie Data Corrupt, "
+ "if you refresh the browser page, you'll have gotten a new cookie."
OK msg
| Some store ->
match store.get "counter" with
| Some y ->
store.set "counter" (y + 1) >=> OK (sprintf "Hello %d time(s)" (y + 1))
| None ->
store.set "counter" 1 >=> OK "First time")