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getaddrinfow fails if running process from Python

I try to run 3rd party process (nsqd.exe) from my python script but when I do nsqd fails to bind socket. I've no idea why.

The script I'm using:

import subprocess
import sys

proc = subprocess.Popen(['nsqd.exe', '-tcp-address="{}"'.format(sys.argv[1]),

print("the commandline is {}".format(proc.args))

And the output:

D:\bsm.tar\bsm\final\nsqd>python 4150 4151
the commandline is ['nsqd.exe', '-tcp-address=""', '-http-address=""']
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:41:51.974681 nsqd v0.3.8 (built w/go1.6.2)
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:41:51.975681 ID: 864
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:41:51.979675 NSQ: persisting topic/channel metadata to nsqd.864.dat
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:41:52.004711 FATAL: listen ("") failed - listen tcp: lookup " getaddrinfow: No such host is known.

If I run that by myself directly everything works fine:

D:\bsm.tar\bsm\final\nsqd>nsqd.exe -tcp-address="" -http-address=""
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:20.093848 nsqd v0.3.8 (built w/go1.6.2)
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:20.094850 ID: 864
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:20.095851 NSQ: persisting topic/channel metadata to nsqd.864.dat
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:20.127984 TCP: listening on
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:20.127984 HTTP: listening on
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:22.111580 NSQ: persisting topic/channel metadata to nsqd.864.dat
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:22.111580 TCP: closing
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:22.112553 HTTP: closing
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:22.135635 NSQ: closing topics
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:22.135635 QUEUESCAN: closing
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:22.135635 LOOKUP: closing
[nsqd] 2016/09/26 21:42:22.135635 ID: closing


Maybe somebody have idea what is wrong?

Win10, python352. Running as admin does not help.



  • Remove the double quotes in your Popen so it becomes:

    proc = subprocess.Popen(['nsqd.exe', 

    Before passing your command to CreateProcess, Python converts the list to a string using subprocess.list2cmdline:

    >>> subprocess.list2cmdline(['nsqd.exe', '-tcp-address=""', '-http-address=""'])
    'nsqd.exe -tcp-address=\\"\\" -http-address=\\"\\"

    nsqd.exe thinks " is the hostname - hence the failed lookup.

    Additional Information

    The reason the double quotes work on the command line is that they have special meaning when a function such as CommandLineToArgvW is used to split the command line into individual arguments: normally arguments are delimited by whitespace, but when a quoted string is encountered, the quotes are stripped and the entire string becomes one argument.

    This is also why Python is \-escaping the quotes: it expects the resultant line to be parsed in the above manner.

    If you pass Popen a string rather than a list, list2cmdline will not be called and you should get the same results as removing the double quotes (i.e. it will be like running it from the command line):

    proc = subprocess.Popen('nsqd.exe "-tcp-address={}" '
                            .format(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]))

    You can see this illustrated in the following (perhaps contrived) example:

    import subprocess
    subprocess.Popen('c:\python27\python.exe "--version"')
    subprocess.Popen(['c:\python27\python.exe', '"--version"'])

    The first Popen will print the python version. The second will look for a file named "--version": can't open file '"--version"': [Errno 22] Invalid argument