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Check setting exists in web.config

How do I check a setting exists in the web.config file?

I found the following code, however i think it is aimed at an app.config file? where as my settings are in web.config. The below code returns no keys even though there are 6.

 if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys.Contains(settingName))
     return 1;
      return 0;

Example settings in web.config:

  . . .
    <setting name="mySetting" serializeAs="String">

Originally i was trying to read it out, and check if it errors or exists.

 var property = Properties.Settings.Default.Properties[settingName];

But that line of code seems to load from the web.config, and if it doesn't exist, it gets it from the project settings. So I cant tell if it is in the web.config or not by checking the value is blank, as it is set to something else!


  • How about setting the design time value to empty value?

      // not set in web.config 
     // set in web.config and use it

    Noe that if you set a value for the setting in web.config and later when you open project's settings file, it attempts to synchronize the value to match web.config value.