Swift 3 has introduced the @discardableResult
annotation for functions to disable the warnings for an unused function return value.
I'm looking for a way to silence this warning for closures.
Currently, my code looks like this:
func f(x: Int) -> Int -> Int {
func g(_ y: Int) -> Int {
doSomething(with: x, and: y)
return x*y
return g
In various places I call f
once to obtain a closure g
which I then call repeatedly:
let g = f(5)
In most places I'm only interested in the side effects of the nested call to doSomething
, and not in the return value of the closure g
. With Swift 3, there are now dozens of warnings in my project for the unused result. Is there a way to suppress the warnings besides changing the calls to g
to _ = g(...)
everywhere? I couldn't find a place where I could place the @discardableResult
I don't think there's a way to apply that attribute to a closure. You could capture your closure in another that discards the result:
func discardingResult<T, U>(_ f: @escaping (T) -> U) -> (T) -> Void {
return { x in _ = f(x) }
let g = f(5)
g(3) // warns
let h = discardingResult(g)
h(4) // doesn't warn