I have been using (and struggling with) Socket.io native Android client for a little while now and recently as I moved all my code from a Socket.io connexion stored in a static variable in MyApplication extends Application
to a SocketService extends Service
, in some situations my emits are just not heard by the server and I have this weird message in Logcat :
E/Socket.IO: [Ljava.lang.Object;@23ba63b6
(with @23ba.... being different everytime)
Anyone here ever seen a message like this ?
I don't know Socket.io, but as a general rule of thumb: Unless you debug into their library code its unclear what the actual issue is. The error log seems to reference arguments of a method call, but that's all about it already that I can read out.
Try to dig deeper by debugging into their library (Android Studio / IntelliJ has code decompiler plugins that might help you even when stepping through obfuscated code) and if nothing helps, create a bug upstream and tell them that they should improve their error logging :)