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Is the rest of the code in a test executed even if an EXPECT fails?

I am trying to get myself into Test Driven Developement, and I have a question on the framework Google Test:

If I have a test like

TEST(SampleTest1, check_and_delete) {
    MyClass* obj = func(data);
    EXPECT_EQ(data2, obj->attr);
    delete obj;

Will the last line, where I free used memory, execute even if the above EXPECT failed?

If not, what macros should I use to get the result I want (i.e. test if two things are equal, but still execute memory cleaup)?


  • I cant remember with certainty if google test continues to process a test after the first failure, but i think it does. To test simply add in a bogus test and see if it executes

    TEST(SampleTest1, check_and_delete) {
        MyClass* obj = func(data);
        EXPECT_EQ(data2, obj->attr);
        int i = 5, j=5;
        EXPECT_EQ(i, j);
        delete obj;

    if the second test is evaluated then you know that the test will continue after a failure. If it doesn't evaluate the second expect_eq then you will need to make a local copy on the stack then delete the pointer before the expect_eq

    TEST(SampleTest1, check_and_delete) {
        MyClass* obj = func(data);
        auto objAttr= obj->attr;
        delete obj;
        EXPECT_EQ(data2, objAttr);