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Bug in CMDIClientAreaWnd::EnableMDITabs()? recursive call

I use LoadMDIState() in CMyApp::Initintance() to load/restore previous MDI-Doc's window positions.

if (cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand == CCommandLineInfo::FileNew)
    if (!pMainFrame->LoadMDIState(GetRegSectionPath()))
        m_pStartDocTemplate->OpenDocumentFile(NULL);    // Load previous Document

It works if his internal state during Serialize() is set to

CMDIClientAreaWnd::m_bTabIsEnabled = FALSE;

But It crashes if son internal state is

CMDIClientAreaWnd::m_bTabIsEnabled = TRUE;

I have investigate this bug in MFC source codes, and see a recursive calls in

void CMDIClientAreaWnd::EnableMDITabs(BOOL bEnable, const CMDITabInfo& params)
  if (m_bIsMDITabbedGroup)
    EnableMDITabbedGroups(FALSE, params);

void CMDIClientAreaWnd::EnableMDITabbedGroups(BOOL bEnable, const CMDITabInfo& mdiTabParams)
  if (m_bTabIsEnabled)
    EnableMDITabs(FALSE, mdiTabParams);

Is this a bug? And how to solve this problem for the MDI tabbed Views?


  • Solved by the comment in MFC source code itself.

    CMDIChildWndEx* CMainFrame::CreateDocumentWindow(LPCTSTR lpcszDocName, CObject* pObj)
      return CMDIFrameWndEx::CreateDocumentWindow(lpcszDocName, pObj);
      TRACE0("If you use save/load state for MDI tabs, you must override this method in a derived class!\n");
      return NULL;

    I have overrided this in CMainframe, and it works.

    CMDIChildWndEx* CMainFrame::CreateDocumentWindow(LPCTSTR lpcszDocName, CObject* pObj)
        CDocument* pDoc = NULL;
        pDoc = AfxGetApp()->OpenDocumentFile(lpcszDocName);
        if (pDoc != NULL)
            POSITION pos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition();
            if (pos != NULL)
                CView* pView = pDoc->GetNextView(pos);
                return DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMDIChildWndEx, pView->GetParent());
    return NULL;