I'm currently writting an Ansible script which should update openssl on every host running Debian or CentOS. On the hosts our SSH-Keys are deposited for my own user or root. I want to check if my user is existing on the host, if not I want to authenticate with the root user. Is there a possibility to do this? I tried it with a bash command but I want to check if my user exists before I'm running the tasks. Maybe there are other solutions to my problem but I don't know them. Running this playbook throws a syntax error. My Script looks like this right now:
- hosts: "{{ host_group }}"
remote_user: "{{ username }}"
# Check whether there's a existinig user or whether you have to use root
- name: Check whether there's your user on the machine
action: shell /usr/bin/getent passwd $username | /usr/bin/wc -l | tr -d ''
register: user_exist
remote_user: root
when: user_exist.stdout == 0
- users
# Install openssl on Ubuntu or Debian
- name: Install openssl on Ubuntu or Debian
become: True
become_user: root
apt: name=openssl state=latest
when: ansible_distribution == 'Debian' or ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'
# Install openssl on CentOS or RHEL
- name: Install openssl on CentOS or RHEL
become: True
become_user: root
yum: name=openssl state=latest
when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' or ansible_distribution == 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux'
You can test the connection with local_action
Ansible need to know how to connect to the host for sure, otherwise it will trigger host unreachable
error and skip remaining tasks for that host.
Something like this:
- hosts: myservers
gather_facts: no # or it will fail on the setup step
- name: Test user
local_action: "command ssh -q -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=3 {{ inventory_hostname }} 'echo ok'"
register: test_user
ignore_errors: true
changed_when: false
- name: Do useful stuff
remote_user: "{{ test_user | success | ternary(omit, 'root') }}"
command: echo ok