I am trying to implement multi tenancy in Neo4j using OGM. My favourite solution is using labels to label entities with tenants ID. Unfortunately I can not get labels to work in Scala. First, I created my entities like this:
trait Entity {
var graphId: java.lang.Long = _
class Tenant extends Entity {
var name: String = _
class Project extends Entity {
var name: String = _
@Relationship(`type` = "TENANT", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
var tenant: Tenant = _
val labels: java.util.Collection[String] = new java.util.ArrayList[String]()
def this(name: String, tenant: Tenant) {
def hasLabel(label: String): Boolean = {
My repositories just have a simple save method
abstract class Repository[Model <: Entity] {
def save(entity: Model): Model = {
val session = getSession()
I created a simple test with an embedded Neo4j database, but the last assertion fails with false (what means that the added label is not persisted).
class ProjectSuite extends BaseSuite with Neo4jOgmTestSuite {
"Project Model" should {
"save properly with Tenant label" in {
val tenant = new Tenant("TestTenant")
val project = new Project("TestProject", tenant)
val loadedProject = ProjectRepository.findById(project.uuid)
assert(loadedProject isDefined)
Any idea what I am missing here?
This issue was a bug in that any class without a get/set method backing the labels field was not supported. It has been fixed, and is available in 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT