foreach (SchemaInfo db in SourceSchemaInfos)
foreach (SchemaInfo table in db.SchemaInfos)
foreach (SchemaInfo tablelist in table.SchemaInfos)
for (int i = 0; i < SelectedTables.Count; i++)
if (tablelist.Key == SelectedTables[i].Key)
foreach (SchemaInfo _tableschema in tablelist.SchemaInfos)
_tableschema.IsSelected = true;
i tried to convert the above foreach loop into linq queries as below..
SourceSchemaInfos.ForEach(Database =>Database.SchemaInfos.ForEach(items => items.SchemaInfos.ForEach(tables => tables.SchemaInfos.Where(tables.Key == SelectedTables.ForEach(l => l.Key)).ForEach(m => m.IsSelected = true))));
but it thorws me the below error @ l.Key
CS0201 Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement
Try the following code. I think this is correct LINQ
conversion of your query
foreach (var _tableschema in
(from db in SourceSchemaInfos from table in db.SchemaInfos from tablelist in table.SchemaInfos
select tablelist)
.SelectMany(tablelist => SelectedTables.Where(t => tablelist.Key == t.Key)
.SelectMany(t => tablelist.SchemaInfos)
_tableschema.IsSelected = true;