I wrote custom instrumentation in my Rails application. I enable it in config/initializers/instrumentation.rb
file like this:
ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do
include FooBar::ControllerRuntime
But this leads me to errors A copy of FooBar::ControllerRuntime has been removed from the module tree but is still active!
. I figure it out that I can resolve it in two ways:
is defined to
callback in ActionController::Railtie
Second solution looks like this:
config.to_prepare do
ActionController.include FooBar::ControllerRuntime
This long introduction leads to question: which way is better? With first I am disabling reloading of classes which lay in the same path as my FooBar::ControllerRuntime
. With second I don't feel it is good to messup with ActionController::Railtie
. Right know ActionController::Railtie
doesn't have defined to_prepare
but what happend if in next release it will have?
The first approach looks cleaner -
Adding path where may 'FooBar::ControllerRuntimeis defined toconfig.autoload_one_paths`
Reasons -
1) If you really wanna do some monkey patches in file like lib/extensions.rb, you may manually require it:
in config/initializers/require.rb:
require "#{Rails.root}/lib/extensions"
2) Follows proper naming conventions as you will have to list down the class and module .
I wouldn't suggest auto-loading for production application though , but if it's the last option than you can certainly try it out .
Good read here on the same - http://www.williambharding.com/blog/technology/rails-3-autoload-modules-and-classes-in-production/