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overriding parameterized constructors in sub-classes in java

i'm just beginning my story with Java, however I have some OOP experience with Python. I have the following class hierarchy :

class A {
   public A() {};
   public A(final java.util.Map dict) {};

class B extends A {

public class Main {
  public static void main() {
     java.util.Map d = new java.util.HashMap();
     B b = new B(d);

The attached code causes the following error: error: constructor B in class B cannot be applied to given types;
     B b = new B(d);
  required: no arguments
  found: Map
  reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
1 error

What my expectation is, since required constructors are already defined in the base class, is no-need to define another constructor. Why do I need to define one for sub-class, since they don't do any thing special, apart from calling super() ? Is there any special reason, why java compiler wants me to define constructor in child class ?


  • When you instantiate a class, a constructor of that class must be invoked.

    When a Java class has no constructor, the compiler automatically generates a parameter-less constructor, which allows you to instantiate the class with no parameters (in your example, it allows new B()).

    Since you try to instantiate your B class with a parameter, you must declare an appropriate constructor which invokes the super class constructor of your choice :

    public B(Map dict) {