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Raspberry Pi Python Code Won't Move Servo

So I am doing a little project with a Raspberry Pi that involves moving a servo motor. In the following code in Python 3, I begin by starting the servo at approximately 45 degrees. Later in the code, a different angle is determined based on the previous angle, and the the Duty Cycle is changed.

def main():   
    #Import functions
    import measure, move
    import time
    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
    #Declare Variables
    Servo_pin = 35
    angle = 45
    freq = 50
    #Setup board
    GPIO.setup(Servo_pin, GPIO.OUT)
    servo = GPIO.PWM(Servo_pin,freq)
    #Determine Duty Cycle
    dc = 1/18 * (angle) + 2
    print("Starting Duty Cycle: ",dc)
    #Start servo

    i = 1
    #Determine angle based on previous angle
    while True:
        if (i == 0):
            angle = 45
        elif (i == 1):
            angle = 90
        elif (i == 2):
            angle = 180
        elif (i > 2):
            angle = 45
            i = 0
        i = i+1
        #Change servo's position
        #Convert angle to Duty Cycle
        dc = 1/18 * (angle) + 2
        print("Setting Duty Cycle: ",dc)
        #Change position
        #Give servo time to finish moving

I have the servo connected to a battery pack (4 AA batteries), yet the servo won't move with this code. Now, I'll admit that I'm a beginner, and it's probably something really easy and I apologize in advance if it that is the case.

Any help is appreciated!


  • There needed to be a common ground. I was using two separate breadboards, and did not connect a common ground. As soon as I connected a common ground, the servo began to operate as I wanted.

    Thank you for the coding help!