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Visual Studio 2015 Cordova Ionic 2 not updating html files on build

I'm running Visual Studio 2015 with Apache Cordova and Ionic 2.

If I update any of the html or ts files in app/pages the ripple emulator app refreshes (so detecting the updates), but the app content is still the same. Only when I update the www/build/pages files does the content update.

It doesn't seem to matter how many times I build / clean / rebuild, the only way I can update the app content is to amend the files in build rather than app.

Any ideas? Surely I should be updating app/pages and seeing the updates propagated to www/build/pages automatically, or at least on build?


  • Despite scouring the internet and nearly going back to Ionic version 1 (as the lack of build made Ionic version 2 unusable, in version 1 you edit the files directly in the www folder) it turns out the solution was in the Project_Readme.html file. (Who ever reads instructions?! ;-) :-D)

    The issue seemed to be connected with Gulp that handles the build (Gulpfile.js). By navigating to View → Other Windows → Task Runner Explorer this seems to open the Gulp build details, and for some reason having this window open seemed to trigger the proper build from app to www.