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Is it possible with HSpec (or HUnit) to attach further information to assertions that get printed in and only in case of failure?

Similarly to how quickcheck supports counterexamples:

property \x ->
  counterexample ("Foo failed with: " ++ ...) $
    foo x

but in a way that it works with shouldBe, e.g.

failDetails (" details: " ++ baz a) $
  a `shouldBe` 2

And I would like it to print something along the lines of:

expected: 2
 but got: 3
 details: ...


  • Yes, it seems to be possible:

    import Control.Exception
    import Test.HUnit.Lang (HUnitFailure(..))
    failDetails details assert = do
      assert `catch` \(HUnitFailure loc msg) -> do
        throw $ HUnitFailure loc $ msg ++ "\n" ++ details

    We catch the exception thrown by shouldBe, amend the message, and rethrow it.

    We can even use it like:

    1 `shouldBe` 2
      $> failDetails "foobar"

    if we define:

    ($>) = flip ($)
    infixl 0 $>
    {-# INLINE ($>) #-}