I'm trying to include some snippets and templates on a product page based on the product type. However, liquid doens't seem to generate snippets conditionally.
An example of what I'm trying to achieve:
{% if product.type == 'shoes' %}
{% include 'shoes-template' %}
{% else %}
{% include 'other-template' %}
{% endif %}
If you have many product types, instead of using multiple if
and else if
, you can use an array and a contains
You can also verify if a template exist by performing a capture
and looking for the string "Liquid error".
{% assign types = "shoes, shirts, pants" | split:", " %}
{% if types contains product.type %}
{% assign snip = product.type | append:"-template" %}
{% else %}
{% assign snip = "other-template" %}
{% endif %}
{% capture snip_content %}{% include snip %}{% endcapture %}
{% unless snip_content contains "Liquid error" %}
{% include snip %}
{% endunless %}