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How to check if a directory exists in ApplescriptObjc

I know the classic way how to check if a folder exists or not, in AppleScript but is didn't work for me, even if I do the error detection method it dos not work, I found online the Object-C method fileExistsAtPath but also don't know how to implement it and I also raid it is not possible, so Please help if you know any solution

my code looks like this for now

 on CheckExistence(FileOrFolderToCheckString)
       alias FileOrFolderToCheckString
       return true
   on error
       return false
   end try
end CheckExistence



  • The AppleScriptObjC equivalent is

    use framework "Foundation"
    on CheckExistence(FileOrFolderToCheckString)
       set FileOrFolderToCheckPOSIXPath to POSIX path of FileOrFolderToCheckString
       return (current application's NSFileManager's defaultManager()'s fileExistsAtPath: FileOrFolderToCheckPOSIXPath) as boolean    
    end CheckExistence