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Testing F# async workflows with's Task support

I'm writing F# code and tests in xUnit 1.9.

For normal sync stuff, I simply return unit and all is well; but now, I'm migrating the sync innards to be async workflows.

In other words, my simple AAA is getting explicit Async usage pushed out into it as I refactor the system:

let [<Fact>] ``Can consume using NEventStore InMemory`` () = 
    let store = NesGateway.createInMemory ()

    let finalDirection = playCircuit store |> Async.RunSynchronously // <----- YUCK

    test <@ CounterClockWise = finalDirection @> 

To remedy this, I want to make the body of the test be async. However, to the best of my knowledge, only manages methods returning Task-derived types, and hence I need a safe way of having my async test body be wrapped suitably for's runner to pick it up and handle it appropriately.

What's the best way to express my above test ?


  • As part of xUnit 2.2 Beta 3, @Brad Wilson has done the necessary to make it work natively directly. Hence one can now simply write:

    let [<Fact>] ``Can consume NEventStore InMemory`` () = async {
        let store = NesGateway.createInMemory ()
        let! finalDirection = playCircuit store
        test <@ CounterClockWise = finalDirection @> }