My regex should work like this:
It should Match only Nicknames (personaname
My C# code looks like this:
string pattern = @"personaname"":\s+""([^""]+)""";
string users = webClient.DownloadString("");
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern);
MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(users);
foreach (Match match in matches)
But in VS15 my regex in matching my whole pattern, so console output looks like:
personaname": "Tom"
personaname": "Emily"
Is something wrong with my pattern? How can I fix it?
So while the actual answer would be to just parse this JSON and get the data, your problem is in Match, you need match.Groups[1].Value
to get that unnamed group.
string pattern = @"personaname"":\s+""(?<name>[^""]+)""";
string users = webClient.DownloadString("");
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern);
MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(users);
foreach (Match match in matches)