So I have a sprite sheet containing 16 frames of a walking animation and I intent to animate it with keyframes by changing the background position using:
animation: abc 0.55s infinite steps(1);
@keyframes abc {
0% {background-position(-2250vh,-10vh);}
6.67% {background-position(-2100vh,-10vh);}
13.33% {background-position(-1950vh,-10vh);}
100% {background-position(0,-10vh);}
It works fine in chrome and firefox but in IE, at the end of the animation, it disappears briefly before looping again. Creating a flickering effect
When I turned the animations off and manually test each position using the console, each frame is displayed correctly, so this is not due to incorrect positioning.
Don't animate background-position. This does cause performance issues. Instead, use img
and let it be as tall as it needs. Wrap it in a div
like so...
<div class="wrapper">
<img class="image" src='some-tall-image.png'/>
Adjust the wrapper height to be as tall as a desired frame (From your keyframes i asumed it to be 150px). And set overflow:hidden
on .wrapper
.wrapper {
This should display only what you want to see. A single frame of your sprite-sheet. And to animate use transform:translateY()
on the img
@keyframes abc {
0% {transform:translateY(-2250vh);}
6.67% {transform:translateY(-2100vh);}
13.33% {transform:translateY(-1950vh);}
100% {transform:translateY(0vh);}
.image {
animation: abc ...;
BY using steps(8)
I need only set the 100% keyframe of the animation. The rest gets filled in... MAGIC!... Also created a JSFiddle for ya
I borrowed the sprite sheet. Props to the creator (whose url can be seen on the code). Image is 960px wide. So in my case I used translateX
instead of translateY
@keyframes walking {
100% {
.wrapper {
.image {
animation:walking 500ms steps(8) infinite;
<div class="wrapper">
<img class= "image" src="">