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yargs .check() error handling

I'm using yargs to validate cli arguments for a data-loading helper lib.

I want to be able to check that a file exists before allowing the script to run, which I do with fs.accessSync(filename, fs.R_OK);. However, if the file does not exist, the messaging simply shows the .check() function as the error, whereas I want to intercept, and state that the file does not exist (with read permissions).

So how to I send an error to be presented by .check() on a false return?

Here is the gist of my yargs:

var path = {
  name: 'filepath',
  options: {
    alias: 'f',
    describe: 'provide json array file',
    demand: true,

function fileExists(filename) {
  try {
    fs.accessSync(filename, fs.R_OK);
    return true;
  } catch (e) {
    return false;

var argv = require('yargs')
  .usage('$0 [args]')
  .option(, path.options)
  .check(function (argv) {
    return fileExists(argv.f);

and the returned error if not a readable file:

Argument check failed: function (argv) {
  return fileExists(argv.f);

I'd prefer to be able to specify something along the lines of: Argument check failed: filepath is not a readable file


  • So in yargs 5.0.0 when you return a non-truthy value it will print that entire output.

    Argument check failed: function (argv) {
      return fileExists(argv.f);

    If you throw instead you can control the output message.

    .check((argv) => {
      if (fileExists(argv.f)) {
         return true;
      throw new Error('Argument check failed: filepath is not a readable file');