In code below, why is Pi divided in three constants P1, P2 and P3? Is there some related math theory? If it is for improve the compute accuracy for r, I run the code on higher precision but without any improve than just Pi.(The code from gsl/specfunc/trig.c:576)
const double P1 = 4 * 7.85398125648498535156e-01;
const double P2 = 4 * 3.77489470793079817668e-08;
const double P3 = 4 * 2.69515142907905952645e-15;
const double TwoPi = 2*(P1 + P2 + P3);
const double y = 2*floor(theta/TwoPi);
double r = ((theta - y*P1) - y*P2) - y*P3;
Test program in C
double mod2pi(double theta) {
const double P1 = 4 * 7.85398125648498535156e-01;
const double P2 = 4 * 3.77489470793079817668e-08;
const double P3 = 4 * 2.69515142907905952645e-15;
const double TwoPi = 2*(P1 + P2 + P3);
const double y = 2*floor(theta/TwoPi);
return ((theta - y*P1) - y*P2) - y*P3;
int main() {
double x = 1.234e+7;
printf("x=%.16e\nfmod =%.16e\nmod2pi=%.16e\n",x,fmod(x,2*M_PI), mod2pi(x));
return 0;
compared to multiprecision result using the Magma online calculator
RR := RealField(100);
pi := Pi(RR);
x := 1.234e+7;
n := 2*Floor(x/(2*pi));
"magma =",RR!x-n*pi;
with results
fmod =6.2690732008483607e+00
magma = 6.269073200367326567623794342882040802035079748091348034188201251009459335653510999632076033999854435
showing that indeed the higher effort leads to more precise results.
For some reason the developers decided to split the bits not directly of pi/4
but based on 10*pi/4=5/2*pi
as can be seen in the next table where the top row are the bits of a long version of 5/2*pi
while the next three are binary representations of the constants multiplied by 10
111 11011010100111101000101001010101010011100001011110010110000011111010111110
A split based on pi/4
using 25 bits in each part is
and would lead to constants
const double P1 = 4 * 7.85398155450820922852e-01;
const double P2 = 4 * 7.94662735614792836714e-09;
const double P3 = 4 * 3.06161646971842959369e-17;
The idea being that integer multiples up to 2^27
of P1,P2,P3
are exact so that the successive reductions remove the leading identical bits without losing precision. Essentially, the input argument with 53 bits mantissa gets (virtually) extended to a 75 bit mantissa by filling with zeros, and then this number gets reduces exactly by multiples of 2*pi
. Cancellation of up to 22 leading bits will not result in a loss of precision.