There is a script called Directadmin.class.php that has written years ago. I use it to create email. after force my panel to use ssl, the following code does not work any more:
$da = new DirectAdmin('', 'cookies/',"", '$username', "$passwd");
I change it to
$da = new DirectAdmin('', 'cookies/',"", '$username', "$passwd");
but not work again.
* DirectAdmin File
* Object Class to interact with DirectAdmin (
* Web Pannels
* @author Hadar Porat <[email protected]>
* @version 1.5
* GNU Lesser General Public License (Version 2, June 1991)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will
* be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
* implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* DirectAdmin Class
* @access public
* @author Hadar Porat <[email protected]>
* @version 1.5
class DirectAdmin {
private $ch;
private $cookiePath;
* @return void
* @param string $domain domain name
* @param string $cookiePath temp location to save cookie
* @param string $url url of directadmin
* @param string $username directadmin username
* @param string $password directadmin password
* @desc class constructor
function __construct($domain, $cookiePath, $url, $username, $password) {
$this -> data = array (
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password,
'referer' => '/',
$this -> domain = $domain;
$this -> params = array();
$this -> url = $url;
$this -> setCookiePath($cookiePath);
$this -> setCommand('CMD_LOGIN');
$this -> executeCommand();
* @return void
* @param string $path cookie path
* @desc set the cookie path
function setCookiePath($path) {
$this -> cookiePath = $path;
$this -> cookieFile = 'cookie_' . rand(0, 1000) . '.txt';
fopen($path . $this -> cookieFile, 'w+');
* @return void
* @param string $command command name
* @param string $params paramters for the command
* @desc set the directadmin command
function setCommand($command, $params = '') {
$this -> command = $this -> url . $command;
* @return void
* @param string $command command name
* @param string $params paramters for the command
* @desc set the directadmin command for a certain domain action
function setDomainCommand($command, $params = '') {
$this -> command = $this -> url . $command . '?domain=' . $this -> domain;
if (is_array($params)) {
$this -> data = array_merge($this -> data, $params);
* @return void
* @desc execute the command
function executeCommand() {
$this -> ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($this -> ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($this -> ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($this -> ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/json', 'X-HTTP-Method-Override: POST'));
curl_setopt($this -> ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,1);
curl_setopt($this -> ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this -> cookiePath . $this -> cookieFile); //initiates cookie file if needed
curl_setopt($this -> ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this -> cookiePath . $this -> cookieFile); // Uses cookies from previous session if exist
curl_setopt($this -> ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this -> command);
curl_setopt($this -> ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this -> data);
curl_setopt($this -> ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($this -> ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_setopt ($this -> ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
curl_setopt ($this -> ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$result = curl_exec($this -> ch);
if(curl_errno($this -> ch)){
echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($this -> ch);
curl_close($this -> ch);
return $result;
* @return void
* @desc get stats array
function getStats() {
$this -> setCommand('');
$html = $this -> executeCommand();
preg_match_all("/<td width=\"3[3-4]%\" class=bar-row[1-2] align=\"center\">(.*?)<\/td>/", $html, $out, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$array = array(
'used' => array('diskspace' => $out[1][0], 'bandwidth' => $out[1][2], 'emails' => $out[1][4], 'ftp' => $out[1][6], 'database' => $out[1][8]),
'max' => array('diskspace' => $out[1][1], 'bandwidth' => $out[1][3], 'emails' => $out[1][5], 'ftp' => $out[1][7], 'database' => $out[1][9]),
return $array;
* @return void
* @param string $username new account username
* @param string $email account email
* @param string $password new account password
* @param string $domain account domain
* @param string $package account package
* @param string $ip ip address
* @desc create a new user account
* @return void
* @param string $username account username
* @param string $password account password
* @desc modify account to auto package
function modifyUserAccountPackage($username, $package) {
$this -> setDomainCommand('CMD_MODIFY_USER', array('action' => 'package', 'user' => $username, 'package' => 'auto'));
$this -> executeCommand();
* @return void
* @param string $username account username
* @param string $vdomains virtual domains number
* @param string $bandwidth bandwidth allowed
* @param string $quota disk quota
* @param string $mysql mysql database number
* @desc customize account package
function customizeUserAccountPackage($username, $vdomains, $bandwidth, $quota, $mysql) {
$this -> setDomainCommand('CMD_MODIFY_USER', array('action' => 'customize', 'user' => $username, 'php' => 'ON', 'unemails' => 'unlimited', 'vdomains' => $vdomains, 'bandwidth' => $bandwidth, 'quota' => $quota, 'mysql' => $mysql));
$this -> executeCommand();
* @return void
* @param string $name database name
* @param string $username account username
* @param string $password mysql database number
* @desc creates a new mysql database
* @return void
* @param string $domain domain name
* @param boolean $database include databases in backup
* @param boolean $email include emails in backup
* @param boolean $ftp include ftp in backup
* @param boolean $ftpsettings include ftp settings in backup
* @desc creates a account backup
* @return void
* @param string $filename backup filename
* @desc chmod a account backup for downloading
function chmodBackup($filename) {
$this -> setDomainCommand('CMD_FILE_MANAGER', array('action' => 'multiple', 'button' => 'permission', 'permission' => '1', 'chmod' => 777, 'path' => '/backups', 'select0' => '/backups/' . $filename));
$this -> executeCommand();
* @return void
* @desc returns backups array list
function getBackupsList() {
$this -> setDomainCommand('CMD_FILE_MANAGER/backups');
$html = $this -> executeCommand();
preg_match_all("/<td class=list[2]?>(.*?)<img border=0 alt=\"File\" src=\"\/IMG_FILE\"><\/a><\/td ><td class=list[2]?>(.*?)<\/td ><td class=list[2]?>(.*?)<\/td ><td class=list[2]?>(.*?)<\/td ><td class=list[2]?>(.*?)<\/td ><td class=list[2]?>(.*?)<\/td >/", $html, $out, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$array = array();
for ($i=0;$i<count($out[0]);$i++) {
$array[] = array('filename' => strip_tags($out[2][$i]), 'size' => strip_tags($out[3][$i]), 'timeStamp' => strtotime(strip_tags($out[6][$i])));
return $array;
* @return void
* @desc returns email accounts array list
function getEmailList() {
$this -> setDomainCommand('CMD_EMAIL_POP');
$html = $this -> executeCommand();
preg_match_all("/<td class=list[2]?>(.*?)<\/td ><td class=list[2]?>(.*?)<\/td ><td class=list[2]?>(.*?)<\/td >/", $html, $out, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$array = array();
for ($i=0;$i<count($out[0]);$i++) {
$out[5][$i] = explode('@', $out[2][$i]);
$array[$out[5][$i][0]] = array('email' => $out[1][$i], 'username' => $out[2][$i], 'boxname' => $out[5][$i][0], 'quota' => $out[3][$i]);
return $array;
* @return void
* @param string $username email account username
* @desc returns email account information
function getEmail($username) {
$array = $this -> getEmailList();
return $array[$username];
* @return void
* @param string $username email username
* @param string $password email password
* @param string $quota emailbox size
* @desc creates new email account
function createEmail($username, $password, $quota,$limit) {
$this -> setDomainCommand('CMD_EMAIL_POP', array('action' => 'create', 'domain' => $this -> domain, 'user' => $username, 'passwd' => $password, 'passwd2' => $password, 'quota' => $quota, 'limit' => $limit));
$this -> executeCommand();
* @return void
* @param string $username email username
* @param string $password new email password
* @desc updates emailbox password
function updateEmail($username, $password) {
$this -> setDomainCommand('CMD_EMAIL_POP', array('action' => 'modify', 'domain' => $this -> domain, 'user' => $username, 'passwd' => $password, 'passwd2' => $password));
$this -> executeCommand();
* @return void
* @param string $username email username
* @desc deletes email account
function deleteEmail($username) {
$this -> setDomainCommand('CMD_EMAIL_POP', array('action' => 'delete', 'domain' => $this -> domain, 'select1' => $username));
$this -> executeCommand();
I was faced this situation last year, check yor server ip in black listed Directadmin. directadmin php 5.6 in already compiled with openssl. don't worry about that.