I have one parent table Products with multiple child tables -Hoses,Steeltubes,ElectricCables,FiberOptics.
ProductId -Primary key field in Product table ProductId- ForeignKey field in Hoses,Steeltubes,ElectricCables,FiberOptics.
Product table has 1 to many relationship with Child tables
I want to combine result of all tables . For eg - Product P1 has PK field ProductId which is used in all child tables as FK.
If Hoses table has 4 record with ProductId 50 and Steeltubes table has 2 records with ProductId 50 when I perform left join then left join is doing cartesian product of records showing 8 record as result But it should be 4 records .
select '' as ModeType, '' as FiberOpticQty , '' as NumberFibers, '' as FiberLength, '' as CableType , '' as Conductorsize , '' as Voltage,'' as ElecticCableLength , s.TubeMaterial , s.TubeQty, s.TubeID , s.WallThickness , s.DWP ,s.Length as SteelLength , h.HoseSeries, h.HoseLength ,h.ProductId
from Hoses h
left join
--'' as HoseSeries,'' as HoseLength ,
select TubeMaterial , TubeQty, TubeID , WallThickness , DWP , Length,ProductId from SteelTubes
) s on (s.ProductId = h.ProductId)
) select * from HOSESTEELCTE
Assuming there are no relationships between child tables and you simply want a list of all child entities which make up a product you could generate a cte which has a number of rows which are equal to the largest number of entries across all the child tables for a product. In the example below I have used a dates table to simplify the example. so for this data
create table products(pid int);
insert into products values
create table hoses (pid int,descr varchar(2));
insert into hoses values (1,'h1'),(1,'h2'),(1,'h3'),(1,'h4');
create table steeltubes (pid int,descr varchar(2));
insert into steeltubes values (1,'t1'),(1,'t2');
create table electriccables(pid int,descr varchar(2));
truncate table electriccables
insert into electriccables values (1,'e1'),(1,'e2'),(1,'e3'),(2,'e1');
this cte
;with cte as
(select row_number() over(partition by p.pid order by datekey) rn, p.pid
from dimdate, products p
where datekey < 20050105)
select * from cte
create a cartesian join (one of the rare ocassions where an implicit join helps) pid to rn result
rn pid
-------------------- -----------
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
And if we add the child tables
;with cte as
(select row_number() over(partition by p.pid order by datekey) rn, p.pid
from dimdate, products p
where datekey < 20050106)
select c.pid,h.descr hoses,s.descr steeltubes,e.descr electriccables from cte c
left join (select h.*, row_number() over(order by h.pid) rn from hoses h) h on h.rn = c.rn and h.pid = c.pid
left join (select s.*, row_number() over(order by s.pid) rn from steeltubes s) s on s.rn = c.rn and s.pid = c.pid
left join (select e.*, row_number() over(order by e.pid) rn from electriccables e) e on e.rn = c.rn and e.pid = c.pid
where h.rn is not null or s.rn is not null or e.rn is not null
order by c.pid,c.rn
we get this
pid hoses steeltubes electriccables
----------- ----- ---------- --------------
1 h1 t1 e1
1 h2 t2 e2
1 h3 NULL e3