I get the error in Mutt 1.5.21 (2010-09-15) with large amount (>500) of mails when accessing my mails through SSH in Chromebook but in the server Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-66-generic x86_64):
which seems to be a known bug about mutt - TLS packet with unexpected length:
mutt tls_socket_read (a tls packet with unexpected length was received was received.)
Changing set imap_keepalive=900
higher does not help.
My $HOME/.muttrc where the alias is corresponding to my real email address:
alias masi Masi Lorem <masiipsunloremlorem@gmail.com>
#create folders for sennnt mail#
send-hook . my_hdr Fcc: +.sent_`date +%Y_%B`
set sort=threads
set postponed="$HOME/mail/postponed"
mailboxes "=inbox"
mailboxes "=sent"
mailboxes "=draft"
#^u to open url
macro pager \cu |urlview\n
set imap_keepalive=900 # default
set timeout=300
## send-hook '~t ^masimasiloremhello@gmail\.fi$' 'my_hdr From: Test Hooooook From Mutt Works if you see me <user@host>'
##### Headers
## main headers
ignore *
unignore From: To: Cc: Subject: Date:
## headers in editor
set edit_headers="yes"
set editor="vim"
set beep_new
set record="$HOME/mail/sent/mails"
set mbox=+mbox
macro index,pager y "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "show incoming mailboxes list"
I think the update to the latest Mutt version with the patches of 2014 should fix the problem. I am testing the upgrade in two servers and I will report if it works.
Why this bug is occurring in Mutt?
This is Ubuntu specific bug. Switch to Debian so you avoid those bugs in the future.