I want to check if a string ends with a decimal of varying numbers, from searching for a while, the closest solution I found was to input values into a tuple and using that as the condition for endswith(). But is there any shorter way instead of inputting every possible combination?
I tried hard coding the end condition but if there are new elements in the list it wont work for those, I also tried using regex it returns other elements together with the decimal elements as well. Any help would be appreciated
list1 = ["abcd 1.01", "zyx 22.98", "efgh 3.0", "qwe -70"]
for e in list1:
if e.endswith('.0') or e.endswith('.98'):
print 'pass'
Edit: Sorry should have specified that I do not want to have 'qwe -70' to be accepted, only those elements with a decimal point should be accepted
I'd like to propose another solution: using regular expressions to search for an ending decimal.
You can define a regular expression for an ending decimal with the following regex [-+]?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+$
The regex broken apart:
: optional - or + symbol at the beginning[0-9]*
: zero or more digits\.
: required dot[0-9]+
: one or more digits$
: must be at the end of the lineThen we can test the regular expression to see if it matches any of the members in the list:
import re
regex = re.compile('[-+]?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+$')
list1 = ["abcd 1.01", "zyx 22.98", "efgh 3.0", "qwe -70", "test"]
for e in list1:
if regex.search(e) is not None:
print e + " passes"
print e + " does not pass"
The output for the previous script is the following:
abcd 1.01 passes
zyx 22.98 passes
efgh 3.0 passes
qwe -70 does not pass
test does not pass