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Outputting/printing 6 numbers per line from a loop

I'm trying to write a very basic code that takes takes a number (done by manually editing the code (i.e. no scanner allowed) and then prints all of it's multiples up to a certain max (also something imputed manually in the code). I have the code working for the loops, values, etc. - it's just that we have to include 2 ways to print it. One way is easy, with each number on a new line. The other way is much harder - each line has 6 numbers, right intended, separated by a few spaces. I know that %(x/y/z/a/b/c)f will print strings/ints/doubles/etc. Right justified with spacing based on the x/y/z/a/b/c, but I don't know how to automatically start a new line after 6 numbers.

import java.util.*;
public class IncrementMax
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        int maxvalue = 200; // these top 2 values have to be adjusted to suit the program to your needs
        int incvalue = 5;
        int increment = incvalue; 
        int max = 200;

        System.out.println("I will print the multiples of " + increment + ", up to " + max + ". Do you want each number on a different line (y/n)?");
        String yesno =;

        if (yesno.equalsIgnoreCase("y"))
            for(increment=incvalue; increment<(max+incvalue); increment=increment+incvalue)
        else if (yesno.equalsIgnoreCase("n"))
            for (increment=incvalue; increment<(max+incvalue); increment=increment+incvalue)
                System.out.print(increment + ". ");

Here's the code I have so far.


  • This is a relatively simple use of the % operator:

    for (increment = incvalue; increment < max + incvalue; increment += incvalue) {
        if (increment % (incvalue * 6) == 0)