After updating to iOS 10 Im getting this error a bunch on one of my apps
NSInvalidLayoutConstraintException: Constraint improperly relates anchors of incompatible types:
<NSLayoutConstraint:0x170495270 == AppName.OtherView:0x1010dc6f0.centerX (active)>
I've never had an issue using a constraint like this before and I'm only getting it on my iOS 10 devices. Any ideas?
You perhaps are doing something like this:
NSLayoutConstraint(item: viewA, attribute:
.leading , relatedBy: .equal, toItem: parentView, attribute: .top, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 20)
So you do not stitch the correct anchors together like .leading
and .top
. In this case it must be .leading
and .leading
Interestingly this wasn't a problem with iOS9.