Search code examples

Pivot Data Using a SQL Select Query

I need to pivot some data when doing a select query. I'm using SQL Server 2014. Here is the format of the original data.

    StudentID  | DocumentType  | PersonID
    ----------   -------------   --------
    00001           DocA           2222
    00001           DocB           2222
    00002           DocB           2222
    00002           DocA           3333
    00003           DocA           4444

And I want it to display like...

    StudentID |  DocumentTypeAPersonID | DocumentTypeBPersonID
    ---------    ---------------------   -----------------------
    00001               2222                     2222
    00002               3333                     2222
    00003               4444                     NULL

Sometimes a student will have both document types. Sometimes they will only have one. Not sure if the "missing" document type would show up as NULL or just blank in that field.


  • this way might save you some code

    SELECT  StudentID,
            DocumentTypeAPersonID = MAX(CASE WHEN DocumentType ='DocA' THEN PersonID END),
            DocumentTypeBPersonID = MAX(CASE WHEN DocumentType ='DocB' THEN PersonID END)
    FROM    MyTable
    GROUP BY StudentID