I need to pivot some data when doing a select query. I'm using SQL Server 2014. Here is the format of the original data.
StudentID | DocumentType | PersonID
---------- ------------- --------
00001 DocA 2222
00001 DocB 2222
00002 DocB 2222
00002 DocA 3333
00003 DocA 4444
And I want it to display like...
StudentID | DocumentTypeAPersonID | DocumentTypeBPersonID
--------- --------------------- -----------------------
00001 2222 2222
00002 3333 2222
00003 4444 NULL
Sometimes a student will have both document types. Sometimes they will only have one. Not sure if the "missing" document type would show up as NULL or just blank in that field.
this way might save you some code
DocumentTypeAPersonID = MAX(CASE WHEN DocumentType ='DocA' THEN PersonID END),
DocumentTypeBPersonID = MAX(CASE WHEN DocumentType ='DocB' THEN PersonID END)
FROM MyTable