i have a problem when I upload a picture of 100kb
to samba share with JCIFS from my tablet, it takes about 10-20 minutes (before I changed my buffer from 1024 to 20971520
it took almost 6 hours) but it does not give any effect anymore to increase it
it is not the connection issue as i had tested it with ES File
where it Uploaded my picture immediately
private class MyCopy extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {
String z = "";
String username = "", password = "", servername = "", filestocopy = "";
protected void onPreExecute() {
username = edtusername.getText().toString();
password = edtpassword.getText().toString();
servername = "smb://" + edtservername.getText().toString();
filestocopy = editdir.getText().toString();
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
// String buffer;
// buffer = setingPreferences.getString("buffer", "");
File file = new File(filestocopy);
String filename = file.getName();
NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth1 = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication(
servername, username, password);
try {
SmbFile sfile = new SmbFile(servername + "/" + filename, auth1);
if (!sfile.exists())
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
SmbFileOutputStream sfos = new SmbFileOutputStream(sfile);
byte[] buf = new byte[20971520]; //(parseInt(buffer))
int len;
while ((len = in.read(buf)) > 0){
sfos.write(buf, 0, len);
z = "File copied successfully";
} catch (Exception ex) {
z = z + " " + ex.getMessage().toString();
return z;
The buffer size shouldn't make a noticeable difference, but it definitely shouldn't be 20M. Use something like 4k instead.
Are you sure it's the actual file transfer that is taking so long? There's no reason 100k should take more than a few seconds at the most. Have you tried putting log statements between each step, including before and after the authentication calls, createNewFile()
, and connect()
to check if those are the bottleneck?
Also, I believe you should be copying bytes while the read length is >= 0
instead of strictly > 0
, since -1 signals the end of the stream, not 0.