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What is the meaning of '@' in the URL?

Let us try to access

with any browser. We get redirected to

3627729518 is the decimal representation of 11011000.00111010.11000010 .01101110 without dots. What's the reason of such behavior?

Note: I've changed the url so it's universal, but still, there is http://domain@ip. Originally it was local bank url and a scam-service's ip.


  • It's a malicious url, abusing the http://username:password@hostname support to make it LOOK like a yahoo url.

    But it's actually taking you to that IP address (yes, an IP address is just a number, and can be represented by an integer). So that url is effectively:

    http://[email protected]

    which reverse DNSs to

    http://[email protected]

    so probably a Google Fibre customer in Dallas/Fort Worth.