I'm trying to create a script that concatenate various values that in the end it creates a insert script,i'm already made one.
SELECT getdate(),
'INSERT WKF_TpProcesso VALUES (''' + Des_TpProcesso + ''',' + cast(Cod_Func as Varchar(8)) + ',getdate() ,null ,1 ,' + CASE WHEN Id_Sistema IS NULL THEN 'Null' ELSE CAST(Id_Sistema as Varchar(6)) END
+',0,1,0,'+ CASE WHEN Des_CodigoTpProcesso IS NULL THEN 'Null' ELSE '''' + Des_CodigoTpProcesso END +''''+ ','+CAST(Flg_ProxProcesso as Varchar(1))''')'
FROM WKF_TpProcesso
WHERE Des_CodigoTpProcesso = @Des_CodigoTpProcesso
The result is this:
INSERT WKF_TpProcesso VALUES ('Processo Teste',41815,getdate() ,null ,1 ,169,0,1,0, 'PcTestPlus',1)
I'm doing another but can't figure out why doesn't work.
WHILE (exists (select Id_EtapaCampoGen from WKF_EtapaCampoGen Where Id_Etapa = @Id_Etapa ))
SELECT getdate(),
(@Id_Etapa' +
','+ ''''+ Des_Label + '''' +
','+ ''''+ Vl_Identificador + '''' +
','+ cast(Flg_Obrigatorio as Varchar(2)) +
',' + CASE WHEN DT_Alteracao IS NULL OR DT_Alteracao = '' THEN 'NULL' ELSE '''' +
',' + cast(FLG_Situacao as Varchar(2))+
',' + '''' + Tipo + '''' +
',' + '''' + Query + '''' +')'
FROM WKF_EtapaCampoGen
I'm having error "Incorrect sintax near FROM",but i cant see what is wrong,someone knows ? What is funny is that for example the column Des_Label in this is script the DB find the reference of where it comes from,but if i have the error in the from statment how it can find?
It was a END missing in the case when stament,with the end the script returned this.
(@Id_Etapa,'Areas','CampoComplementar1',0,getdate(),NULL,1,'Lista','select Des_area as Texto, Des_area as valor from wkf_area')
your case expression needs an END
CASE WHEN DT_Alteracao IS NULL OR DT_Alteracao = '' THEN 'NULL' ELSE '''''' END