I have a many-to-many relation between Category and Item, which is implemented with the "category_item" table, having 2 columns (PK): category_id
and item_id
Two homologous categories have the same items (order is not relevant):
is homologous to
but is not to
1 1 1
3 2
Suppose this data in item_category
A 1
A 2
B 1
B 2
C 1
C 3
D 1
E 1
E 2
E 3
I want to find all categories homologous to A
(the expected result is just B
I'm currently trying something like:
select r2.category_id
from category_item r1, category_item r2
where r1.category_id = ?
and r2.category_id <> r1.category_id
and r1.item_id = r2.item_id
that builds the table:
A 1 B 1
A 1 C 1
A 1 D 1
A 1 E 1
A 2 B 2
A 2 D 2
A 2 E 2
but I don't know how to continue...
I'm using MySQL 5.7, but I'd like to do it with just generic SQL.
note that this is not a homework (also I don't think any teacher will assign such a complex one), it's just a extra-simplified use case for a real world problem
You can also do it using subqueries and exists
/ not exists
Select Distinct category_id
from category_item ci
Where not exists -- this allows only cats that do not have all req items
(select * from category_item
Where category_id = ci.category_id
and item_id Not in
(Select item_id from category_item
Where category_Id = @catId))
and not exists -- this filters out cats that have xtra items
(Select * from category_item
Where category_Id = @catId
and item_id Not in
(Select item_id from category_item
Where category_Id = ci.category_Id ))
and category_Id <> @catId -- <- categoryId of category you are matching
-- this line filters out the category you are
-- matching against. Remove it if you want all
-- homologous categories
Select All distinct
Category_Ids from the join table where:
First subquery:
where there is not another join table row for that same category
with an
Item_idthat is *not* in the set of
for the category you are matching against, and
Second subquery:
where there is not an item in the category you are matching against
that is not also in the category you are selecting (ci table)