I want to publish some Asstes. For example the animate.css donwloaded by bower or composer, but i dont want to copy not needed files into web asstes folder. i already use the the publish option, but some folders be copied anyway, but without content.
the sourcefolder looks like this:
... some more
the asset bundle looks like this
namespace frontend\assets;
use yii\web\AssetBundle;
* Main frontend application asset bundle.
class AnimateAsset extends AssetBundle
* @inherit
public $sourcePath = '@bower/animate.css';
* @inherit
public $css = [
* @inherit
public $js = [
* @inherit
public $depends = [
public $publishOptions = [
// 'forceCopy' => YII_DEBUG,
'only' => [
'exept' => [
and finaly the result in web asset folder looks like this
The empty folder still be copied?? How can I prevent this?
thx soju, that was a typo:
with that publish options below it works
public $publishOptions = [
// 'forceCopy' => YII_DEBUG,
'only' => [
'except' => [