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How to insert extra item to template each

I have such template

  {{#each topics as |topic|}}
    {{topic-list-item topic=topic}}

I want to insert extra item into this rendering template list, something like this:

  {{#each topics as |topic|}}
    {{#if someCondition}}
      {{topic-list-item topic=topic}}

But the problem is this solution will skip some topic when someCondition is true, ie it will note insert but replace.

Is there a solution to add an item to template render list?

UPDATE: I want to insert {{my-list-item}} only once into render list if someCondition is true


  • If you want to dislay topic-list-item all the time irrespective of condition then, you can do it by removing else.

          {{#each topics as |topic|}}
            {{#if someCondition}}
            {{topic-list-item topic=topic}}        