What are the best practices for testing Gradle Scripts?
I currently unit test my ant scripts with antunit, but I'm looking to migrate to Gradle. I can only find articles on testing Java code from Gradle or Groovy, but nothing on testing the Gradle tasks that I create or testing Groovy in general. Is there an equivalent of antunit for Gradle? Has anyone played with a BDD framework (like cucumber) to test Gradle scripts?
For instance, I currently have the following Ant Target
<target name="dist-bin" depends="build" description="creates a zip distribution of the current build">
<zip destfile="build/TIBant-bin.zip">
<zipfileset dir="src/ant" includes="**" />
<zipfileset dir="test" includes="**" prefix="test" />
<zipfileset dir="build" includes="TIBant.jar" />
<zipfileset dir="build" includes="TIBant-*.html" />
<zipfileset dir="build/examples/XMLtoProperties"
prefix="examples/XMLtoProperties" />
<zipfileset dir="lib" includes="**" prefix="lib" />
<zipfileset dir="src/xslt" includes="**" excludes="test/**,userguide.xslt" prefix="lib/xslt" />
<zipfileset dir="." includes="copyright.html,LICENSE.txt" />
<zipfileset dir="examples"
prefix="examples" />
As you can imagine, it's pretty easy to break this when refactoring the project, so I have the following antunit test to check it.
<target name="test-dist-bin">
<delete file="build/TIBant-bin.zip" />
<au:assertFalse message="Bin dist still present">
<available file="build/TIBant-bin.zip" />
<antcall target="dist-bin" />
<au:assertTrue message="Bin dist not created">
<available file="build/TIBant-bin.zip" />
<delete dir="build/testBinDist" />
<au:assertFalse message="TestBinDist still present">
<available file="build/testBinDist" />
<mkdir dir="build/testBinDist" />
<unzip src="build/TIBant-bin.zip" dest="build/testBinDist" />
<au:assertFalse message="config dir present">
<available file="build/testBinDist/config/default.properties" />
<au:assertTrue message="Ant Macros missing">
<available file="build/testBinDist/tibant.xml" />
<au:assertTrue message="Engine Stopper Jar missing">
<available file="build/testBinDist/TIBant.jar" />
<au:assertTrue message="Ant-contrib-missing">
<available file="build/testBinDist/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
<au:assertTrue message="ant-unit missing">
<available file="build/testBinDist/lib/ant-antunit-1.2.jar" />
<au:assertTrue message="Copyright missing">
<available file="build/testBinDist/copyright.html" />
<au:assertTrue message="License missing">
<available file="build/testBinDist/LICENSE.txt" />
<au:assertFalse message="Src present">
<available file="build/testBinDist/src/java/org/windyroad/tibant/EngineStopper.jar" />
<au:assertTrue message="example missing">
<available file="build/testBinDist/examples/SimpleProject/src/bw/example/Build/example.archive" />
<au:assertFalse message="example has build files">
<available file="build/testBinDist/examples/SimpleProject/build/*" />
<au:assertFalse message="example has default config file">
<available file="build/testBinDist/examples/SimpleProject/config/default.properties" />
<property name="doc.file"
location="build/testBinDist/TIBant-User-Guide.html" />
<au:assertTrue message="doc missing: ${doc.file}">
<available file="${doc.file}" />
<au:assertTrue message="xslt missing">
<available file="build/testBinDist/lib/xslt/configure-ear.xslt" />
<subant target="run-quick-tests">
<fileset dir="build/testBinDist" includes="build.xml" />
which is called by the following snippet to produce a nice xml report
<au:antunit failonerror="@{failonerror}">
<propertyref name="config.filename" />
<pathelement location="@{antunit}" />
<au:plainlistener logLevel="info" />
<au:xmllistener todir="build" loglevel="info" />
I understand how to migrate dist-bin
to gradle, but I'm not sure what's the right way to migrate test-dist-bin
and the au:antunit
Gradle 3.x test Toolkit available! Please, check out userguide here: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/test_kit.html
The correctness of the logic can then be verified by asserting the following, potentially in combination:
copy-pasted example:
import org.gradle.testkit.runner.BuildResult;
import org.gradle.testkit.runner.GradleRunner;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.gradle.testkit.runner.TaskOutcome.*;
public class BuildLogicFunctionalTest {
@Rule public final TemporaryFolder testProjectDir = new TemporaryFolder();
private File buildFile;
public void setup() throws IOException {
buildFile = testProjectDir.newFile("build.gradle");
public void testHelloWorldTask() throws IOException {
String buildFileContent = "task helloWorld {" +
" doLast {" +
" println 'Hello world!'" +
" }" +
writeFile(buildFile, buildFileContent);
BuildResult result = GradleRunner.create()
assertTrue(result.getOutput().contains("Hello world!"));
assertEquals(result.task(":helloWorld").getOutcome(), SUCCESS);
private void writeFile(File destination, String content) throws IOException {
BufferedWriter output = null;
try {
output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(destination));
} finally {
if (output != null) {