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Data truncated error on store method with ManyToMany relationships

I'm new to Laravel and having problems with ManyToMany relationships.

I have two tables:

  • members
  • groups

A member can belong to many groups, a group can have many members.

I've created the relationships in the models and the pivot table.

When I create a member, I have checkboxes for the groups.

In my store method I do this:


if(isset($request->groups)) {
 $groups = implode(',', $request->groups);

dd($groups) gives: "2,7"

I get the error:

QueryException in Connection.php line 761: SQLSTATE[01000]: Warning: 1265 Data truncated for column 'group_id' at row 1 (SQL: insert into group_member (group_id, member_id) values (2,7, 5))

Where is this 5 coming from and why do I get this error?

Thank you


  • This error is because of the data type you entered.



    You turn the array into a string while sync() method wants an array as input. Let's try just:

     if(isset($request->groups)) {