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Tests stop working under xcode 8 TEST_HOST error

I want to start tests under Xcode 8 and it fail in the beginning. My error is:

Could not determine bundle identifier for MyProjectTest's TEST_HOST: "/Users/jakubmazur/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-ejeepybggxvekxajlyngopeahiex/Build/Intermediates/CodeCoverage/Products/Testing-iphonesimulator/"

Any idea what's wrong here? I try to clean project - nothing. In the Build Settings in my target in Packaging i change Product Bundle Identifier depends on configuration in my schema. It can have something to do with that, but not sure.


Ok figure how to narrow the problem. When i change settings in scheme to use Build Configuration Debug instead of Testing seems to work, but I need separate configuration for testing.


  • Ok figure it out. There is a problem with naming packages. Unfortunatelly there is some issue with Xcode. I was using different Module Names for different Configurations. So go to Project -> Build Settings -> Product Module Name Change name in all configurations for same name without spaces.