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Proving for all elements of a list in coq

How can I prove that H and my goal are same for all elements of the list?

X : Type
P : X -> Prop
l : list X
H : forall n : X, ~ (In n l /\ ~ P n)
forall b : X, In b l -> P b

The two statements ~ (In n l /\ ~ P n) and In b l -> P b are equal. I tried apply imply_to_or on the goal to simplify but couldn't unify.



  • First of all, we need some imports:

    Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical_Prop.
    Require Import Coq.Lists.List.

    We reason "backwards" when applying lemmas to the goal. This means you need a lemma that has implication as its consequent, not premiss.

    We can Search (~ ?p \/ ?c -> ?p -> ?c). for it and this will get you:

    or_to_imply: forall P Q : Prop, ~ P \/ Q -> P -> Q

    The above lemma will work, but we can do a little bit better: we can make use of the tauto tactic, and voilà, you have a simple proof:

    Goal forall (X : Type) (P : X -> Prop) (l : list X),
           (forall n, ~ (In n l /\ ~ P n)) ->
           forall b, In b l -> P b.
      intros X P l H b.
      specialize H with b.