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int() not working for floats?

I recently ran into this in Python 3.5:

>>> flt = '3.14'
>>> integer = '5'
>>> float(integer)
>>> float(flt)
>>> int(integer)
>>> int(flt)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#7>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '3.14'

Why is this? It seems like it should return 3. Am I doing something wrong, or does this happen for a good reason?


  • int() expects an number or string that contains an integer literal. Per the Python 3.5.2 documentation:

    If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string, bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in radix base. (Emphasis added)

    Meaning int() can only convert strings that contain integers. You can easily do this:

    >>> flt = '3.14'
    >>> int(float(flt))

    This will convert flt into a float, which is then valid for int() because it is a number. Then it will convert to integer by removing fractional parts.