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Set tag or unique identifier for MSMessage

It is possible to set a unique id and or tag for a MSMessage instance? My current app is based on data fetched from a server using an integer id as an identifier. When a previous message is selected I want to modify the view accordingly by fetching the id or tag (if possible) of the current message and using that in a query to my server.

  override func willBecomeActive(with conversation: MSConversation) {
    //Retrive id from selected message
    if conversation.selectedMessage != nil{
      //Do things


  • You can use the the URL of the message to add in it an "id" key:

    guard let components = NSURLComponents(string: myBaseURL) else {
        fatalError("Invalid base url")
    let id = NSURLQueryItem(name: "id", value: yourIdHere)
    components.queryItems = [id]
    guard let url = components.url  else {
        fatalError("Invalid URL components.")
    message.url = url

    Use an hash of the date for your id or whatever you want