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Native zlib inflate/deflate for Swift 3 on iOS

I'd like to be able to inflate/deflate Swift 3 data structs. I found GzipSwift, but it's not clear how I make that available to my iOS app. The naive things I've tried include:

  1. Copying the Data+Gzip.swift file into my own project. This then complains about the import zlib at the top of said file. I think that has something to do the with the modulemap files in the zlib directory of the same sources. But I'm not sure what or how to recreate those in my own project.

  2. Cloned the repository from github, opened XCode and built in (pressed the run button basically). Then tried to add that as a linked library or framework to my own project. I'm pretty sure just selecting the top level directory of the repository is not what I want to do, but I didn't know what else to try.

I've found some other code out there, but it seems dated and relative to Swift 2.


  • I just recently had to add that exact library and file to my project, and after a lot of troubleshooting finally got it working, so let me walk you through the steps!


    1) Go to the top level directory of your project in finder, and create a new folder called Swiftzlib or whatever you want the name of the module that you will be importing to be. (What we will do is add the zlib library as a module, so think of it as importing Foundation or some such other module). To clarify, this Swiftzlib directory will end up as a child directory of the same directory that contains your *.xcodeproj and *.xcworkspace files.

    2) Inside the folder you created, make two files.

    • include.h
    • module.modulemap

    3) In your include.h file, enter the following:


    4) In your module.modulemap file, enter the following:

    module Swiftzlib [system] {
        header "include.h"
        export *

    Where Swiftzlib is the same as the name of the folder that you created.

    5) Open your Xcode project, and select your target

    • 5a) In Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries, add libz.tbd
    • 5b) In Build Settings -> Swift Compiler - Search Paths, add $(PROJECT_DIR)/Swiftzlib non-recursively to the import paths
    • 5c) In Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags, add -lz as a flag

    6) Select your project in Xcode (may not be necessary, but I've done it in my project and it works)

    • 6a) In Build Settings -> Swift Compiler - Search Paths, add $(PROJECT_DIR)/Swiftzlib non-recursively to the import paths

    7) In Data+Gzip.swfit, add import Swiftzlib to the top of the file

    8) Clean, Build, and Run!