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How would I confirm that a python package is installed using ansible

I am writing an ansible playbook, and I would first like to install pew, and transition into that pew environment in order to install some other python libraries.

So, my playbook is going to look something like this...


# task 1
- name: install pew if necessary
  command: pip install pew

# task 2
- name: create new pew environment if necessary
  command: pew new devpi-server

# task 3
- name: transition to pew environment
  command: pew workon devpi-server

# task 4
- name: install devpi-server
  command: pip install devpi-server

# task 5
- name: run devpi server
  command: devpi-server ## various args

In the spirit of keeping my playbook idempotent, I would like to do all of these tasks only if necesary.

So, I would only want to install pew if it isn't already installed, only want to create a new pew environment if it doesn't already exist, only workon the pew environment if we aren't already... etc etc...

Does anyone have good advice as to how to accomplish this? I am somewhat familiar with ansible conditionals, but only when it is something like, "is a file downloaded or not"

I haven't had to determine yet if programs are installed, virtual environments are loaded, etc..


  • You can use the Pip module in Ansible to ensure that certain packages are installed.

    For your conditionals I would refer to: How to make Ansible execute a shell script if a package is not installed and - these should get you on the right track.

    So your playbook would look a little like:

    - pip: name=pew
    - name: Check if pew env exists
      command: pew command
      register: pew_env_check
    - name: Execute script if pew environment doesn't exist
      command: somescript
      when: pew_env_check.stdout.find('no packages found') != -1