Being mostly a software developer I find that the hardest thing for me is to produce usable user-interface.
I did read some books, including The Smashing Book and Web Design For Developers. But those are mostly concentrated on the Design rather than on building more complex interfaces (like allocating many-to-many items with search with different options on both sides, grouping using different fields and so on).
Are there any books, articles that target building more (logically) complex UIs for the web?
Based on the other answer on the SO the Designing Web Interfaces book looks good
As with any topic, get your hands on as many resources as possible.
My most recent addition to my pile of books is Designing Interfaces Patterns for Effective Interaction Design by Jenifer Tidwell. Links: Official website and Amazon.
I highly recommend it: it describes user interfaces in patterns (something that we are familiar with).
A few titles from my book shelf:
I could list more titles, however the above will get you started.
Possibly a bit Off-topic, however I cannot resist as this is an area that I know.
If you have the opportunity, talk with your users (or even better sit down with them as they work). It is the best research you can do when trying to improve usability of your software.
If you want to measure your usability check out running System Usability Scale test (commonly referred to as SUS scores). Link 1 and Link 2 (PDF)