How do we make Inner-Join
or something a Cross-Join
in PowerShell or PowerCLI?
Even though im new to PowerCLI/PowerShell , I do have a basic grasp on them, yet have practically spent 2 days trying to figure this, going through numerous documentations and blogs to no avail.
All I really want to know is if after typing my command
Get-Content File.txt
and getting:
Output1 or Table1 is Name: Abc Group: Bad Policy: Great Name: redi Group: Good Policy: MAD etc. etc.
100s of these, and obviously more than just the 3 elements of Name, Group, Policy each.
Table2/Output2 Name: Abc Limit: 10 used: 5 Name: redi Limit: 20 used: 1 etc. etc.
100s of these.
and like 13 more of these text file tables, all with the "Name" as unique.
How can I combine it into one output at the end using Name with all the other elements?
My most obvious thought was something akin to joins, even if I had to do them 1 at a time, but even that I cant figure out how to do.
Is there anyway to do this in PowerShell itself without me having to go into Python or SQL?
If yes is there a method that is able to combine fields in spots where it's null?
If its not clear what type of result I am hoping for it will look something akin to this:
Name: Abc Group: Bad Policy: Great Limit: 10 used: 5 Name: redi Group: Good Policy: MAD Limit: 20 used: 1
So I found an Answer which was more suitable and it uses the join-Object function which was defined below:
you can access it at
All I really had to do was Define my outputs as $A and $B and $C and so on, and just
$Join1= Join-Object -Left $A -Right $B -LeftJoinProperty Name - RightJoinProperty Name
made $Join2 then 3 so on until I got it all done
$Join2 = Join-Object -Left $Join1 -Right $C -LeftJoinProperty Name -RightJoinProperty Name
$Join3 = Join-Object -Left $Join2 -Right $D -LeftJoinProperty Name -RightJoinProperty Name
$Join4 = Join-Object -Left $Join3 -Right $E -LeftJoinProperty Name -RightJoinProperty Name
Until I got it all done