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Extracting the filename off a URL with QRegExp

I have an issue where I have a RegEx, [^/\&\?]+.\w{3,4}(?=([\?&].*$|$)), but I cannot get it to work with the function at [ 1 ] below.

[ 1 ] -

This is the code I've tried:

QRegExp rx("[^/\\\\&\\?]+\\.\\w{3,4}(?=([\\?&].*$|$))", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp);
std::ostringstream list;
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = rx.indexIn(url, pos)) != -1) {
    list << rx.cap(1).toStdString();
    pos += rx.matchedLength();

return list;

It's supposed to extract the filename off a URL, but just returns nothing instead. I'm not sure what's going wrong. Can someone please offer assistance? Thank you in advance.


  • Qt has QUrl class for parsing URL etc. And there is QUrl::fileName method:

    QUrl url("");
    // url.adjusted(RemoveFilename) == ""
    // url.fileName() == "file.html"