I recently saw a marketing video that cited the "Perabyte" as a unit of disk storage measure. I emailed a representative responsible for the video and got a response that "1 Perabyte (PB) = 1024 Terabytes (TB)."
A quick google search seems to indicate that a Petabyte is defined as 1000 TB.
Is a Perabyte a real thing, and is it 1024 (vs 1000) TB?
Edit: This thread has answered my question, despite the votes to close. No one has heard of a "Perabyte" except as a misspelling of "Petabyte." Thanks.
Edit (2): Petabytes have been tagged real by "BRIGHT SIDE"
A perabyte doesn't exist, but a petabyte is a real thing. It is
2^50 bytes; 1024 terabytes, or a million gigabytes.