Is it possible to define a generic
value at COMPILE time using Modelsim?
I need to compile a file that contains generate
statements, which are turned off & on based on the value of my generic
I have unsuccessfully tried the following compile statement, where is_primary
is the boolean variable name:
vcom -work work -is_primary=true file_name.vhd
I have found similar syntax for simulation (vsim
), but I do not see a way to define a generic
for vcom
. Any suggestions?
A generic is just a constant that is passed into an entity through a generic list. You don't compile one toplevel and then compile the other toplevel, you compile a single toplevel and then the test bench with BOTH instantiations. You wire one up to true and the other up to false. Done.
U0 : entity toplevel generic map (is_primary => true) port map( insert ports here );
U1 : entity toplevel generic map (is_primary => false) port map( insert ports here );
Down in your hierarchy, however you cannot CHECK your generics until after elaboration. Run your sim 1 ps then go examine them.