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How to get array after adding a number to specific data of that array?

import numpy as np 
import xlrd
import xlwt

wb = xlrd.open_workbook('Scatter plot.xlsx')
workbook = xlwt.Workbook() 

sheet = workbook.add_sheet("Sheet1")

sh1 = wb.sheet_by_name('T180')

x= np.array([sh1.col_values(1, start_rowx=51, end_rowx=315)])
y= np.array([sh1.col_values(2, start_rowx=51, end_rowx=315)])

x1= np.array([sh2.col_values(1, start_rowx=50, end_rowx=298)])
y1= np.array([sh2.col_values(2, start_rowx=50, end_rowx=298)])

condition = [(x1<=1000) & (x1>=0) ]
condition1 = [(y1<=1000) & (y1>=0) ]

y_prime= y[condition1]+20

plt.plot(x,y, "ro", label="T180")

I want to subtract 150 from the values less than 1000 of x1 array and finally I need all values (subtracted+remaining). But with this code I got only the values that are less than 1000. But I need both (less than 1000+ greater than 1000). But greater than 1000 values will be unchanged. How can I will do this. As you can see there 248 elements in x1 array so after subtraction I will need 248 element as x_prime. Same as for y. Thanks in advance for your kind co-operation.


  • Here is a Pandas solution:

    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import pandas as pd'ggplot')
    fn = r'/path/to/ExcelFile.xlsx'
    sheetname = 'T181'
    df = pd.read_excel(fn, sheetname=sheetname, skiprows=47, parse_cols='B:C').dropna(how='any')
    # customize X-values
    df.ix[df.eval('0 <= GrvX <= 1000'), 'GrvX'] -= 150
    df.ix[df.eval('2500 < GrvX <= 3000'), 'GrvX'] += 50
    df.ix[df.eval('3000 < GrvX'), 'GrvX'] += 30
    # customize Y-values
    df.ix[df.eval('0 <= GrvY <= 1000'), 'GrvX'] += 20
    df.plot.scatter(x='GrvX', y='GrvY', marker='s', s=30, label=sheetname, figsize=(14,12))

    enter image description here